Xbox 360: Customer “Service”
I’m an avid gamer, and more specifically an avid Xbox 360 gamer. I’ve spent thousands over the last couple of years on the console, games and accessories. I’ve heard countless horror stories of Xbox 360 consoles going belly up. Thankfully my own launch day console has never failed me (a rare specimen indeed) however most of the people I’ve heard that were having problems with their console got friendly and fast turn around times when contacting Microsoft for repairs. (more…)

ICE Raids: Congress Responds
Earlier this year the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) department raided multiple homes of individuals who had installed modchips in consoles. As you may recall I wrote my feelings on the subject in an editorial titled: The Legality Of Modding. In that piece I did not dispute the fact that what these people did is technically illegal under the DMCA, I simply called to attention that how the law was written was too far reaching and that ICE, in a time where the USA needs it’s greatest strengths put to use on issues such as Customs and Immigration, was instead being abused to harass and dishevel the lives of American Citizens.
I was deeply disturbed by this situation and took it upon myself to write my state’s representative, and senators. I originally wanted to send my correspondences by physical letter signed by hand to help get my point across, however I was unable to find the appropriate address to use such a method and instead passed on my concerns by email. I didn’t have very high hopes for the outcome of my message as when it comes to the US Government I am somewhat of a pessimist. However I also believe that unless I do my part to make my voice heard I have only myself to blame if nothing comes of it. By speaking my peace I can with good conscience lay the blame on those who have listened and remained idle in their actions to right these wrongs. (more…)

If you’re wondering why I’ve only been updating once every other week, well here is the reason:
I no longer want thoughthead to be considered a personal site of mine. I own it and I contribute to it but I want it to be more than just myself. To help break the ties SOLID-Orange is now my personal site. The site is far from complete but progress is slower than expected so I’m “launching” it before it is complete. SOLID-Orange will be dedicated to my personal projects and hobbies and more about those things than my rants and raves about the game industry.
I had a few people express interest in writing thoughthead articles. I’ve provided the tools they need to make it happen and the rest is up to them, here’s hoping that we start seeing some more contributers around here.

The Gaming Journalism Disconnect
Despite the fact that I am a video game fanatic, and I spend countless hours not just playing games, but participating in online communities with other gamers, and reading various tidbits of info, I’ve been disenfranchised with Gaming Journalism for quite some time now. There is really no singular root issue that is deserving of a pointed finger but rather there are a number of issues that make up the problem as a whole. (more…)