
First Post!

Posted in thoughthead by Michael Pica on the October 25th, 2006

It has come to my attension that I’m an opinionated bastard… actually that’s not entirely true; I’ve always known that I’m an opinionated bastard. As a moderator on Xbox-Scene I spend quite a bit of time in the forum’s trenches helping people with technical questions, politely correcting them when they’re wrong, and generally voicing my opinion on whatever topic is the flavor of the hour. And that’s in addition to my moderator duties, which really serve more as an excuse for my bad habbit more then anything else.

Baslically I decided recently that a lot of what I say goes unread, which is fine except that I put a lot of time and effort into drawing up and laying out my arguments and information and it feels as if the effort is lost when the result is a large forum post that most people will just skip over because it’s too long. The nature of a forum environment encourages the members to have somewhat of a short attention span. I read a suggestion once that “Forum posts should be like a cheerleader’s skirt: long enough to cover the important parts but short enough to keep your attention.”

I know the information I’m trying to express is important and that people want to read it. I know this because I often see the same questions being asked over and over again, sometimes in the same topic, I feel like I repeat myself far more the necessary. People’s eyes glaze over and they move on looking for a shorter skirt.
It is this reason that I’ve decided to start voicing my opinions here. I also know this because more then one person has made suggestions that I should keep a blog of my rants.

This site will consentrate on videogames, console moding, hometheater, and the culture surrounding those topics. I’ll be posting when I feel the need to talk about something, but in general I hope to have the major source of inspriation come from questions out in the wild. Feel free to send me a message on Xbox Live, PM me in the Xbox-Scene forums, e-mail me on gmail, or just leave a comment here.

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137 Responses to “First Post!”

  1. SICKdimension Says:

    First comment!

    Good luck on the site, ts. Looks great so far!

  2. throwingks Says:

    Hey TS, your site looks good. Good Luck!

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