
What’s Your Game Rendering at? – True Resolutions 2

Posted in PS3,The Industry,Xbox 360 by Michael Pica on the December 18th, 2007

A while ago I wrote an article called True Resolutions where I looked at Tony Hawk’s Project 8 and Call of Duty 3 since there was a considerably amount of arms up over the fact that they did not deliver genuine 720p at 4xMSAA as promised by Microsoft so many years ago. More recently Bungie was blunt over the fact that Halo 3 doesn’t actually renter to 720p but 640p due to technical reasons behind other graphical effects that they deemed more important.

Someone recently asked me about resolutions on 360 games and I started thinking about it and then I started digging since I recalled a few other less notable games running at lower resolutions. I eventually found an interesting French fellow who is dedicated to finding all of the next gen games that aren’t as HD as they claim to be. (more…)

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Xbox 360: Customer “Service”

Posted in The Industry,Xbox 360,Xbox-Scene by Michael Pica on the October 16th, 2007

I’m an avid gamer, and more specifically an avid Xbox 360 gamer. I’ve spent thousands over the last couple of years on the console, games and accessories. I’ve heard countless horror stories of Xbox 360 consoles going belly up. Thankfully my own launch day console has never failed me (a rare specimen indeed) however most of the people I’ve heard that were having problems with their console got friendly and fast turn around times when contacting Microsoft for repairs. (more…)

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Limited Edition

Posted in The Industry,Xbox 360 by Michael Pica on the August 24th, 2007

You are now viewing a Special Limited Collector’s Edition of Thoughthead; an extra long blogger’s cut with over 2 paragraphs of never before read cynicism and wit. Only 5000 of these pages will be rendered before it will no longer be available. Expect the value to go up over time as eBay prices soar. In fact, the value of this article as already doubled in the time it took you to read that; of course two times free is still free. (more…)

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The State of NextGen Mods

Posted in Moding,PS3,Wii,Xbox 360 by Michael Pica on the July 13th, 2007

The concept of hacking has been around as long as there have been things to hack. The concept of console modding has been around as long as there have been consoles to mod. Even back in the old Atari 2600 days people were tweaking their carts, writing unlicensed software and getting the console to do things above and beyond what they were designed to do. When the original Playstation became mainstream back in the late 90s, console modding experienced a significant boost in popularity. One that has only grown since, but with more complex system comes a system that is more difficult to tweak. How does the state of modding fare in the face of the new console generation? (more…)

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Owning up to 3RLoD Issues

Posted in The Industry,Xbox 360,Xbox-Scene by Michael Pica on the July 6th, 2007

I had an article nearing completion and ready to go and then Microsoft dropped a bomb on us all; they finally owned up to the 3 Red Lights of Death issues happening across a large percentage of the Xbox 360 Consoles. so what brought it to this point? (more…)

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